Thursday, October 31, 2019
Communication Approach To Music Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 16
Communication Approach To Music - Essay Example Additionally, songs are also used as the alternative mean of communication for children who do not respond adequately to traditional treatment approaches. Physiotherapist throughout the world uses music or songs to do therapies and believe that it’s a way of relaxing the mind and body of human being. Not only human beings but birds also use songs as a tool of communication. Oliver Wendell Holmes says, â€Å"Take a music bath once or twice a week for a few seasons. You will find it is to the soul what a water bath is to the body†. Well apart from bath it has become an effective tool of communication in fact some researchers believe that in early stages of human life music was used more as a tool of communication rather than for enjoyment purpose or pleasure so we can say that early forms of human language were actually developed through music but now it is also fulfilling many functions in different cultures. An important social role that music is playing is in favor of marketers as it helps them in form of jingles to sell their products. Repetition of these jingles on mass media makes them memorable ever after. One of the most memorable jingles was the one aired in mid-seventies and the strange thing about it was that it was an ad of venereal disease but its lyrics were very interesting like: If you want to know about a culture that is very unfamiliar to you will think first about getting hold of its art and music. From whistling of birds to bells of the church, from national anthems to songs of an emotional love story, music is used to convey emotions. In Greek culture, music is used to educate people and boys are taught music at the age of six whereas Indian Classical music is one of the oldest musical customs in the history of the world.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Us Imported Oil case - Revised Action Plan Study
Us Imported Oil - Revised Action Plan - Case Study Example Total level of crude oil production has been volatile, but with a sharp increasing trend, since the year 2009, while domestic production of natural oils has been improving consistently. These observations suggest improving capacity to generate different sources of fuel and identify feasibility of a transition from crude oil usage to reliance on natural gas. Consistent improvement in petroleum processing gain and emergence and growth of renewable fuels and oxygenated production also shows improved capacity to exploit sources of fuel while reducing trend in total fuel imports since the year identifies the nation’s growing ability to rely on internal energy supply. The nation has also been able to reduce its reliance of petroleum products and to reduce its net petroleum exports, a factor that suggest future positive stock exchange from petroleum. The trend in data therefore shows that the United States has the capacity to reduce it importation and consumption of petroleum product s and to generate and use natural gas and renewable fuel. Industrial and domestic use of petroleum products has been identified as a major global environmental concern, identifying significance of the action plan, and the above analysis shows the nation’s ability to implement the plan. The United States Department of Energy. (2014). Strategic plan-2014-2018. The United States Department of Energy. Retrieved from:
Sunday, October 27, 2019
The Bargaining Power Of Supplier And Generic Strategy Business Essay
The Bargaining Power Of Supplier And Generic Strategy Business Essay Generic strategy is the framework that explains in competitive advantage. According to Porter (Campbell, 2002), the generic strategy was insisted that there are three main options which are the best fit to the competition between firms that are differentiation, cost leadership and focus. In the past, the most consumers of computer market might know only Windows OS (operating system). Therefore in order to compete with large firm like Microsoft and the other, the differentiation strategy has been chosen by Steve Jobs. As a result, Macintosh, iPod and iPhone had been published and Apple can be achieved in several years later. Porters five forces analysis The bargaining power of supplier More bargaining power of supplier can determine less profitability in any companies (Smit, 2006). On the other hand, it can refer to the benefit of the buyer who may get better quality products. Apple Company has published the supplier responsibility report which explains the detail of Apples supplier standard (Apple, 2010). In addition, as can be seen from this report, Apple has tried to improve the efficiency of their supplier in order to meet their expectation and may reduce the bargaining power of their supplier. There is no doubt that Apple Company is still rapidly growing (Apple, 2010a), therefore the company still looking for new suppliers. Moreover, Apple has developed an ecosystem to obtain the best possible value and benefit to their customers and stakeholders. To decrease the bargaining power of Apples suppliers, the company allows new suppliers to register online on the companys website (Apple, 2010). Moreover, due to Apple is the leader technology company which has large demand of raw material. Thus, there are a plenty of suppliers which have been registered in order to be the Apples suppliers. Then, when there are more competitive among large number of suppliers, the bargaining power of them will be decreased. The bargaining power of buyer In order to achieve in the majority of markets, a company should meet the expectations of their customers which come from age, income, educational level, or even personality (Gilligan Wilson, 2003). Buyers seem to be more prices sensitive if the products are not differentiated because they can alternative to another retailer (Smit, 2006). However, Apple Companys positioning more focuses on less price sensitive customers which suppose to purchase premium product. Therefore, brand image of Apple had been created in order to contain the royalty of their customer and try to maintain their premium position. In addition, the product of Apple has been created base on differentiated and their customer requirement which cannot find from the other brands. (from lecture in the class) Furthermore, due to Apples products are differentiated form the other brands and the loyalty of Apple brand is quite high level, the bargaining power of buyers are therefore quite low. Threat of new entrance An entering of new companies to the industry may cause of decreasing the market share of the company (Hill Jones, 2009). However, Kurtz et al (2007) state that differentiation of product and brand as well as having a strong marketing strategy like competitive advantage might help the company to maintain the market share and generate profit. According to Apple (2010b), the operating system of Mac has been designed to unable to infect any PC viruses or any malware whereas Windows which is the operating system of Microsoft brand can be infected by varieties of PC viruses. Additionally, Graphical User Interface (GUI) of Apples applications is also different from the other brands. Furthermore, as can be seen Apple is differentiated from the other brand which make them have a strong position in the market. However, their competitors of MP3, phone, OS, Laptop PC, and the other products (Sony, Nokia, Microsoft, Dell, and so on) have tried to compete with Apple and they try to improve themselves as well as Apple Company. Consequently, the threat of new entry in Apple Companys level is low to medium and may increase in the future. , Threat of substitute product The products can be substituted by the same need of consumers (Campbell et al, 2002). For instance, if consumers want to buy a laptop, there are many choice of laptop which has similar performance and the same Operating System. Therefore they can pick the brand they want, nothing so different. However, Campbell (2002) insisted that the threat of substitute might have 2 factors which are the price and performance of the substitute and willingness of buyers to switch to the substitute. First the price and performance of the substitute, According to the feature of iPhone4 which is the earliest product of Apple, it combined together with smart phone which including FaceTime function, high quality camera and video recording, MP3, map and much more features. As a consequence, it is difficult for the other firms to substitute this company. In contrast, the price of Apples products is quiet high hence if the need of customer is not met, thus the competitor of Apple may have an opportunity to substitute the market. Secondly the willingness of buyers to switch to the substitute, the buyers may want to change supplier if they found the brand that have similar performance but cheaper. In Apple case, the customers are quiet high loyalty in the brand. As can be seen from Daily mail news (First Poulter, 2010), the first day that iPhone 4 released, there were crowned of people queued in front of their shops around the world. Furthermore, Campbell (2002) stated that the thread of substitute of the product can be as reduced as more buyers loyalty of the products. Consequently, the thread of substitute product of Apple is quiet low. The intensity of rivalry among competitor in the industry Businesses usually compete with each other in many ways for example, pricing, promotion, advertising and additional services (Campbell, 2002). In addition, Smit (2006) supports the idea that to compete between firms is similar to the jockeying for position which many tactics are used to compete with each other. Moreover, Campbell (2002) insists that the fifth force is the most important in five forces model and 3 factors of the fifth force have been explained. First the height of entry barriers and the number and size of the competitors in the industry (Campbell, 2002: p. 140), as mentioned above Apple have large firms to be their competitors such as Sony, Microsoft and more. On the other hand, due to the differentiated and quality of Apples products, it results in that Apple is in the first position of the most innovative company and their financial situation is successful (Bloomberg Businessweek, 2010) Second the degree of brand loyalty of customers (Campbell, 2002: p.141), as can be seen on the first day of releasing iPhone 4 (First Poulter, 2010) that there were more than thousands of people who queued to purchase iPhone 4 around the world, it additionally shows that the Apples brand loyalty of customers is high. Hence, the intense competition of Apple is quiet low. Third the power of buyers and availability of substitutes (Campbell, 2002: p.141), due to the differentiated in Apples products, it results in low bargaining power of the buyers and low availability of substitutes also. Conclusion In conclusion, due to achievement of Apples differentiated, the loyalty of their customers among the products and many firms want to be a part of Apples supplier, it result in low bargaining power of supplier and buyers, quiet low thread of new entrant and substitute of product and the intensity of rivalry is low. Thus it may be conclude that there are not many effects from five forces on Apple Company.
Friday, October 25, 2019
I Am Poor and Gay...and I Will Practice Law :: Law College Admissions Essays
I Am Poor and Gay...and I Will Practice Law One of the few things I remember about my childhood is my mother's beige linen suit. It was her "best" suit, and she wore it to work for years. The more it faded and frayed, the more it became a symbol to me of our poverty, and the more I hated it. Being poor made me feel like a second-class person. We never really outgrew the poverty; I just left it to go to college. By my second year, I was working up to fifty hours a week to support myself. Looking at my transcript analysis, I guess my grades suffered a lot that year, until I learned to balance homework with my other responsibilities. But in truth, I don't even remember that. Most of what I remember about college had to do with learning to accept being gay. I guess I learned to accept it pretty well, because within a year of graduation I left my job as manager of a home for mentally retarded adults to become manager of Glad Day, the first gay liberation bookstore in North America. (A "gay liberation" bookstore is one which specializes in political and educational materials, instead of pornography). That's where I met Ted. My next ten years are pretty much inexplicable without reference to Ted. What looks like the rambling of an unmotivated itinerant is really a fairly typical description of the spouse of someone with a career requiring frequent relocation. Ted is an optical physicist. He specializes in laser technology of the sort used to make holographic pictures and laser ("compact") discs. When we met, he was already well established in his field, while I had not yet really chosen a career. In the ten years we've lived together he's worked in half a dozen cities in the United States, and in France for two years. In each place we lived I've worked, gone to school, and volunteered my time for political causes, but I've always been willing to make my own goals secondary to his. My life hasn't just been a series of odd jobs, however. When we moved to New Jersey in 1980, I got a job teaching emotionally disturbed adolescents. At the same time I began learning computer programming, helping Ted with some of the work he brought home.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Does Technology Corrupt Society
Does technology corrupt society? (By: Gordon Turtle) Does technology corrupt society? That’s a commonly asked question. If you think about it, technology helps society more then it harms it. A lot of schools disallow the use of cell phones or laptops unless they are used for school it-self. How would students communicate without them? Through the one hour to an hour and forty five minutes of lunch? What about technology used for medical purposes. Also, technology used for electronics such as computers, lights, etc†¦ Lastly, technology used for communication, like cell phones, radios, etc†¦We use technology almost everywhere; we use it for medical to help people get rid of diseases and injuries. It also helps doctors train better, easier, and more efficiently. If we didn’t have technology then we would still be cavemen living in caves with no light, no way of surviving injuries or illnesses. If we didn’t have any medical abilities the human race would ha ve went extinct a long time ago. Technology gave us electricity and electronics. Without technology we wouldn’t have t. v. ’s, toy’s, game systems, etc†¦ If man evolved without technology then we wouldn’t have come this far, we wouldn’t be as smart as we are now.We also wouldn’t have any way of teaching our children or other kids about how to live life or how to be good responsible adults. Technology also gave us communication devices such as the cellphone, house phone, computers, laptops, etc†¦ If we didn’t have technology the military would have fast ways of communicating with its soldiers. Without communication we could think we are the only country on earth for all we knew. Communication devices gave us the power to talk to one another from one side of the earth to the other in seconds.Imagine a world without communication. Imagine you had to write a letter and have it read days or even months later, and then having to w ait days or months for a response. Communication devices are one of the most important pieces of technology ever made. Without them we might as well go live in a cave with the few people we know, thinking that you were the only ones that are on the earth. That’s why technology doesn’t corrupt society, and that technology is what brought us to where we are today. If you think about it, technology helps society more then it harms it.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
China Inflation Essay
In recent years, China has met price of commodities rising quickly, inflation has affecting the overall economy. In this article, I will analyses last five years status of China inflation, explain the cause and effects, then base on the cause and effects, giving some solution to deal with the inflation. According to the definition of economics, inflation refers to the number of currency in circulation more than economic operation needed, and then cause currency devaluation and a persistently rising price level. In order to precisely explain inflation in China, I selected last five years inflation rate to analyze the overall condition about China inflation. Inflation rate, The following chart shows last five years inflation rate and trend of change. * In these chart, we can clearly see that, after 2008 years high inflation rate, inflation rate has fallen during the 5 years. But the size is not big. Since 2009, the inflation rate was going a new round of the rising trend. On the surface, china inflation is not so high, but some of the industry’s price rising greatly, such as agricultural products and real estate industry. And during last thirty years, overall commodity price in china has kept rising quickly. So China inflation is still a serious problem. The cause of China inflation Demand-pull inflation The inflation because of aggregate demand excessive increase is called demand-pull inflation. In order to deal with the financial crisis in 2008, to speed up the pace of economic growth in China, the central government carried out 4 trillion RMB investments and a series of stimulate measures to expand domestic demand. In China, the fixed assets investment increased 30 %( compared to 2008 )ï ¼Å'the amount of fixed assets investment is 22.46 trillion RMB in 2009( 65.9% in annual GDP ) and 27.81 trillion RMB in 2010( 69.8% in annual GDP ). Depends on the huge number of investment and loans, China economic recovered faster in the world, on the other hand some area assumes the extension expansion, break the balance of economic structure, has formed a serious pressure of inflation. Unhealthy investment is other problem in demand-pull inflation. Cost-push inflation 1. Employee wages rising Wage growth makes the production cost growth, on given price levels, the profit level of manufacturer will decrease, manufacturers willing and are able to supply the number of products will decrease, so that the aggregate supply curve shift to left, is caused the price level increase. In 2008 and 2009, the average worker real wages indexes increase from the previous year were 11% and 13%. Over the same period, the GDP growth rates were 9.6% and 9.2% respectively. Worker average wage index rising more than the GDP growth rate of the same period. Wage growth has led the production costs and the total price level increase. 2. Inflation triggered by the rising prices of raw materials In China, after the financial crisis of 2008, the huge investment in fixed assets need a great number of raw material such as steel, wood and cement to support it. The phenomenon of demand greater than supply causes the rising price of wood, cement and steel. That is the beginning of comprehensive price rising. Imported inflation In May 2011, the middle rate between RMB and us dollar break 6.5. China external dependence is relatively large, the decrease in us dollar will transfer the influence to China. Because persistently rising price of international bulk commodity, the biggest importer and trade processing sectionâ€â€china, has suffered huge pressure in cost growth. On the other hand, china is a biggest importer in oil, mineral, food. So when the price of these goods increase significantly, at the same time, through the imported channel affect the general price level in China, leading the imported inflation. In recent years, because of the good investment prospect and appreciation expectations of RMB, also result in a number of unknown money inflows to China, the hot money inflow to China will cause short-term speculation behavior in capital market and real estate market. In china, the regulation system in this area is not sufficient enough, supervision is relatively difficult, and also cause imported inflation in this reason. The effect of inflation in China (1) The influence on economic growth. 1.1 The error of resources guide. When inflation happened, because the destruct to the currency force the price system disorders, upset the market mechanism, to interfere with the market signals and make the transfer of market signal distortion, cause the allocation of resources disorders, reduce economic efficiency and economic instability. 1.2 Effect on labor force. Inflation caused part of the false demand, and disturbing prices and wages system, give the labor many wrong information, they were attracted in some temporary jobs. And once inflation over, or when it is no longer increased enough, these jobs will disappear, and will cause the new unemployment. 1.3 Affects China export product competitiveness. At present China employee’s wages in the big scale of rising, this year in the coastal areas, appear a shortage of 6 million migrant workers, and in coastal areas, average wage rise 15%-20% to rural migrant workers, and this already transfer from a manufacturing economy to a service industry quickly, and the present China industry majority is labor intensive, and also because the status of â€Å"world factory†, low labor costs is a advantage, low wages low price in accordance with China’s interests upgrade transformation haven’t succeeded, it’s to early into high wage upscale stage, the product export will not competitive, other Asian countries will replace the situation of china in market. Inflation will make higher labor costs; increase the difficulty to Chinese products export. 1.4 Brings huge uncertainty to investment and consumption. In inflation, a kind of commodity price increase is not the real increase due to market demand rising, and just because the speculative impulse or panic of consumers, producers about prices rise further caused. Because not every one of the producers can handle the overall market information, so this kind of speculation from the uncertainty and panic is likely to promote the further investment, at same time consumption has become more chaos. (2) The influence of the development of society Inflation influence on the society mainly displays in the national income redistribution, because it changed the income and wealth possession ratio of original members of the society. 2.1 Low-income families are the biggest victims of inflation. On the one hand, because food prices is the mainstay of this round of inflation, and the lower income families has higher Engel’s coefficient, the damage of food prices rising is deep. On the other hand, because low-income families’ consumption in the larger proportion in income holds, marginal propensity is large, is given priority to the necessities of life, this part of the consumer goods often lack of the price elasticity. So, low-income can’t through maintain and increase assets’ value to against inflation. 2.2 This round of inflation come with asset price (such as stock and property) expanded rapidly, and expand the income distribution gap, increase the unfair feeling to low-income people, at the same time, stimulates the enthusiasm to inhabitants of all kinds of assets investment, this investment enthusiasm lead asset prices to rise further, make capital market systemic risk are gathered together. 3.3 Inflation impact social member’s wealth possession ratio. In inflation, physical assets value added much higher than the rate of inflation, so holder can benefit. Conversely, inevitable damaged. If the holders hold deposit money, they suffered loss because of rising prices and decrease in currencies; if the holders hold securities, and then depend on rate between rising prices and stock price changes. Liabilities members of society reduce the actual debt burden. The government and the enterprise are in the net debt position, is beneficiaries in inflation. And residents in a net creditor position, inflation are victim in inflation. How to manage the inflation in China (1) Build a correct understanding of the essence of inflation; attach importance to the management of currency First of all, should control the issuance of the currency amount from the source, keep balance between money supply and economic development needs. For the currency issue institutions, regulating the procedures, shows the clear responsibility, avoid excessive issued. Second, the government should adopt agile monetary policy. According to the actual economic operation, make use monetary policy efficiently, and try to improve the purchasing power of the money, ease monetary inflation pressure. At the right time, raise the deposit reserve rate and raising interest rates, issue Treasury bonds, open market operations to control money supply amount. The purpose is keep the balance of aggregate supply and aggregate demand basically, maintain price stability and full employment. Since January 2010, China has continued to adjust deposit reserve rate in 12 times, percentage of large financial institutions increased to 21.5% from 15.50%, small and medium sized financial institutions has been increased to 18% from 13.50%. This activity shrunk the liquidity to a certain extent. (2) Establish corresponding early warning mechanism Direct response of inflation is the commodities prices continue to rise. The effect of the monetary policy exist certain hysteresis. If began implement monetary policy after the price rise sharply, it need a period of time to produce the result. That may ease economic fluctuations, but that may produce bad influence to the volatility of the economy too. As far as possible to avoid a control too much, or couldn’t control the situation. So, to the macroeconomic regulation, need to establish the corresponding early warning mechanism, it also requires money management authorities to improve the management level, avoid it before obvious inflation, they should take corresponding measures to avoid economic fluctuations. (3) Adjust foreign exchange policy and keep balance of international payments At present our country executes is mandatory settlement and sale of foreign exchange policy is restrictions. Because of the foreign exchange income of export enterprises must be sold to foreign exchange bank. If foreign exchange is constant, in a floating exchange rate, foreign exchange bank of sell excess foreign currency can lead to exchange rate fall. But China want to keep the stable of exchange rate, forced the central bank to buy a large foreign exchange, in order to maintain the stability of RMB exchange rate. This will form empty demand increase for foreign exchange, increase the investment of the monetary, the base currency produce the multiplier effect, which eventually led to the money supply increased. We can gradually allow Banks to foreign exchange transactions, let the foreign exchange market shunt RMB financing, establish foreign exchange reserve fund, carry out foreign exchange transaction. We can choose some management regulations of the financial management, sound enterprise, allowing him to open a foreign exchange account, to keep foreign exchange funds. keep the balance of international payments; change the trade surplus of excessive situation. By simplifying the import formalities and reduce tariffs, etc way, encourage imports, especially the raw material of the block of domestic scarce import, forming materials reserve, timely bring prices down. (1828 words) Reference Bregger J.E (2009) China Inflation rate’s chart. â€Å"National Bureau of Statistics of China†. From: 6 JULY IMF, China; International Monetary Fund China inflation rate’s chart (2012) from: 6 July 6, 2012 Historic inflation China – CPI inflation (2012) from : 6 JULY Jain T .R (2006) Microeconomics and Basic Mathematics. New Delhi: VK Publication, Jan 2001 Wang X.Q (2002) Population Dividend Effects and china’s economic growth. March 6 , 2009
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