Sunday, May 3, 2020
Cultural Tourism Is One of the Conventionalâ€Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About the Cultural Tourism Is One of the Conventional? Answer: Introduction: Cultural tourism is known as one of the traditional form of tourism (Ahebwa, Aporu Nyakaana, 2016). It is related to countrys cultural aspect. This form of tourism includes the life style of the local people of tourism industry, the geographic location of the country, the art, craft and heritage sites and historic places of the country. It can also showcase the rural areas of a country (Boukas, Ziakas Boustras, 2013). Cultural tourism is considered as the movement of a person who is attracted towards the cultural aspects of a particular country. In this busy world, people who are highly fond of history and culture and prefer to gather information by traveling to new places often try to escape from their busy schedule to spend some free time to their favorite destination. Tourism provides great opportunity to the travel lovers to explore the world. There are many countries that preserve rich culture and known as the most preferred cultural tourism destination, such as- Rome, Greece, London and so on (Brida et al., 2014). The below mentioned article has concentrated on various aspects of cultural tourism. It has discussed about the external factors that influences the growth of the cultural tourism. It has presented three future scenario of the cultural tourism industry. It has provided a vivid picture about the future of the cultural tourism industry. PESTLE Analysis: Political Factor: Political disturbance puts a significant impact on the growth of cultural tourism industry. It destroys the reputation of the tourism destination among the tourists (Chiabai, Paskaleva Lombardi, 2013). It can be seen that the tourism industries of Asia and the Pacific cover is going through a rough patch due to political violence. In recent time it is often evident that many tourist places losses its potential customers due to several terrorist attacks and other violence. People will not choose those places to spend their leisure time where their security will be at stake. These factors influence the growth of the tourism industries (Correia et al. 2017). Economic Factor: The economic factor plays crucial role in the development of cultural industry (Tigre Moura, Gnoth Deans, 2015). The economic condition of the cultural tourist destinations plays vital role in drawing the attention of the tourists. It is not possible for most of the tourist to spend huge money to explore the world. The tourist destinations that have high tax rates may face lack of potential consumers. Tourism industry must provide their service in an affordable price to draw the attention of the travel lovers from every corner of the world (Huang Rundle-Thiele, 2014). Technological Factor: The rise of new technologies has changed the scenario of the tourism industry. People now a days mainly rely on the various technologies to book their hotels or make their other plans to explore the world. Technological factor is considered as an important factor for the growth of the tourism industry. Tourism industries need to depend on various technologies to promote their service among the explorers. To provide efficient service to the tourists, tourism industries depend on the technologies, as people in this online era prefer to keep in touch with the rest of the worlds and prefer to often access their social networking sites. Cultural tourism industry must pay close attention to the fact (Lehman, Wickham Reiser, 2017). Environmental Factor: Environmental factor plays the most significant role in the development of the cultural tourism industry. Environment can harm the growth of the tourism industry. Natural calamity may destroy the beauty of any heritage site. The construction work of the hotel or the road can be stopped due to various kinds of natural disaster. It is often evident that many tourist destinations losses its popularity due to the occurrence of various kind of natural calamity like flood, storm and so on (Lew, 2014). On the other hand the pollution rate of the environment also plays a vital role in attracting tourists. Any destination that has high pollution rate is incapable of attracting large number of tourists. The cultural tourism industry must pay the close attention to the fact (Loda Macr, 2017). Social Factor: Social factor is also an important issue that influences the growth of the cultural tourism. Local society and people is one of the key elements of the tourism industry (Magnani, 2017). The cultural tourism industry often faces various social barriers which is harmful for the growth of the industry. According to some people, tourism is highly responsible for the rise of environmental pollution. Many analysts claim that tourism industry enhances the crime rate of the society (Richards, 2014). Such behavior acts as the obstacle for the rise of the tourism industry. High crime rate in the society or violence may decrease the popularity of the tourist destination. Citizens are one of the key stakeholders of the tourism industry. The behavior of the local natives is highly responsible to attract large number of tourists. Healthy and friendly atmosphere is capable of drawing attention of potential tourists from the entire world (Maneenetr Tran, 2014). The local natives emotions are attached with heritage places. The often create various obstacles for the cultural tourism industries. Tourism industries often deal with obstacles like strike, social violence due to such issues. Legal Factor: Cultural tourism industry may face various legal challenges. The law of any particular country can affect the growth of the tourism industry. It is often evident that cultural tourism industry faces various challenges due to any law produced by the local government. Tourism industry must maintain healthy and peaceful relation with the local government to prevent any kind of legal issues (Phua Miller, 2014). The cultural tourism is considered as one of the fastest growing subset of tourism. Government of many countries are playing significant role in promoting their country as the heritage destination. They are trying to preserve the art and culture of their country to grab the attention of tourist from every corner of the world. Although, cultural tourism often faces competition for the rise of other forms of tourism, like- eco tourism, adventure tourism, the future of cultural tourism industry is considered is bright (Packer, Ballantyne Hughes, 2014). Scenario One: Description: The primary objective of the tourism industry is to draw the attention of large number of travel lovers and make huge profit. In next coming then years the cultural tourism industry will flourish to some extent. The governments of many countries are taking significant steps to set a milestone in the industry by advertising cultural aspect of their country. This is highly beneficial for the growth of the cultural tourism industry. Due to such practices the governments of tourist destinations that have rich cultures will be able to attract huge number of tourists. Critical Assessment: According to some reports, cultural tourism industry has a bright future. This industry is capable to draw the attention of explorers of different ages. Cultural places must be preserved by the local natives and government. They must incorporate some effective strategies to protect the beauty of heritage sites and enrich their art and crafts to improve the quality of their service. In recent time, tourism industries are paying much attention to provide efficient service to the consumers. It will be helpful for the industry. In next ten years, it will be able to draw the attention of more tourists. Due to the rise of technologies, it has become very easy for the tourism industry to promote their cultures, art and crafts to the entire world; it is highly beneficial for the growth of the industry. The emergence of new technologies will be helpful for the growth of the cultural tourism industry in coming ten years (van Deursen Raaphorst, 2014). Recommendations for Stakeholders: The key stakeholders of the cultural tourism industry are tourists, governments, investors, and local people. The growth of the tourism industry is highly dependent on these stakeholders. In order to establish a bright future for the cultural tourism industry, the local government must include some important rule into their rulebook to reinforce the growth of the industry. They incorporate some strategies to maintain the beauty of the heritage places. They must encourage the growth of the local art and craft to attract art lovers from the entire world. Investors must realize that tourism industry has a bright future. It will be considered as one of the huge profit making industry in coming ten years. They must rely on industry to raise their profit margin. They must provide sufficient support to the cultural tourism industries which will provide huge profit to them in nearby future. The rise of global warming and environmental pollution has become a major concerned for the cultural tourism industry as well as the explorers. It plays a significant role in spoiling the beauty of the heritage places. It can be seen several times that many heritage places are losing its beauty due to acid rain and causes of global warming. Local people must be aware of the fact. They must prevent those activities that can be harmful for the environment and increase the pollution rate in the atmosphere. They must behave in an appropriate manner with the tourist as they have the capability to raise the reputation of their country. They must maintain a healthy guest and host relation with the tourists. They must obey all the rule of local government to decrease the late crime rate in the society. It will be helpful to for the cultural tourism industry to establish a strong future (Rodzi, Zaki Subli, 2013). Government must consider the economic factor while designing the structure of the tourism industry as the rise of the product prices can be harmful for the tourism industry. They must provide their service in an affordable price. It will be beneficial for the growth of the industry (Richards van der Ark, 2013). Scenario Two: Description: In coming twenty years, cultural tourism industry will be flourished in more significant manner. The technologies will be more improved in coming twenty years which will be beneficial for the growth of the tourism industry. Cultural tourism industry will be able to encourage more tourists to visit their countries. Due to the rise of technologies the tourism industries will be able to provide more efficient service to the consumers. The industry will be able to identify their potential customers more significantly. They will be able to design their service according to the requirement of the consumers. Critical Assessment: The innovation of science has provided a great opportunity to the tourism industries to influence the growth. The adoption of various techniques and required strategies will enhance the growth of the tourism industry in next twenty years. The growth of new technologies will be helpful for tourism industry to fight against many other obstacles such as communication, transportation. However, the rise pollution rate in the atmosphere may affect the beauty of the heritage places. Governments of many countries are taking remarkable steps to beat the global warming. By implementing these strategies the government will be able to decrease the effect of global warming. It will be helpful for protecting the beauty of heritage locations. Eventually, this will be helpful to attract huge number of tourists. Governments of many countries are taking notable steps to control the crime rate of the society which is highly beneficial for the growth of the cultural tourism industry. Increment in the li teracy rate will influence the growth of the organization by providing more skilled employees. This will improve the quality of the services of tourist destinations. Recommendation for the Stakeholders: The local people must adopt participate in the development of the tourism industry. They must follow all the rules of the government and adopt new techniques and strategies so to influence the growth of the organization. It will be beneficial for betterment of their lives. It will increase employment opportunities and improve the standard of living. The employees of the hotels and other workplace of a tourist destination must participate actively in the organizational operation to earn reputation as a well-maintained tourism industry from the entire world. Government of the tourism industry must maintain adopt new strategies to reinforce the growth of the cultural tourism industry. Due to the rise of pollution rate in the atmosphere the growth of the tourism industry can be hampered. According to some reports, this rate will increase in coming years. Government must take some crucial step to control the pollution rate, such as- use of bio degradable products, use of renewable energy. This will be helpful for the tourism industry in coming years. Government must some flexible rules or the tourism industry that can be modified with the time. Scenario Three: Description: In coming twenty five years the demand and supply of the cultural tourism industry both will be increased. In coming twenty five years people will be busier than now. To escape from their busy life they will choose their cultural destination to spend some free time. This will increase the demand of the tourism industry. On the other hand, the scenario f the tourism industries will also be changed. The development of the science and other various factors will improve the service quality of the tourism industry. Critical Assessment: It can be stated that science will be more improved in coming twenty five years. This will be beneficial for the tourism industry to improve its service quality and deliver more effective service to the potential consumers of the tourism industry. The development of the tourism industry will be influenced due to the fast life. This will act as a tool to help people for getting away from their fast life. On the other hand the use of modern accessories may increase the pollution rate in atmosphere. This will be harmful for the tourism industry. Recommendations for Stakeholders: The government must make sure that people avoid the practices that can be harmful for the environment. Government must incorporate some effective strategy to decrease the pollution rate from the environment. They must explain all the positive and negative impact of tourism development to the local people and must encourage them to actively participate in the system. Government must use all the forms of new media to attract more tourists. They must promote their culture, art and craft to the every part of the world so maximum tourist can become motivated to visit their country (Saarinen, Moswete Monare, 2014). Employees, local native of the tourism industry and stakeholders must provide all the required support to the tourism industry. They must protect the beauty and culture of the tourist destination so it can grab the attention of large number of explorers. In order to maintain the beauty of the locality, the local people must avoid all the practices that can put harmful impact on the environment. They must realize the impact of a well-constructed tourism industry on the financial structure of the country. It will be beneficial for the industry (Riasi Pourmiri, 2015). Conclusion: As per the previous discussion it can be stated that cultural tourism has a bright tomorrow. It possesses the capacity to draw the attention of people from various age groups. Governments of various countries are taking notable initiatives to encourage the development of the cultural tourism industry. The advancement of the technologies also plays crucial role in attracting maximum number of travelers. Instead of such practices there are some reasons that can be harmful for cultural tourism, such as- global warming, acid rain, pollution, political uncertainty, economic instability. The government, local people and other stakeholders must participate actively in the development of the tourism industry to deal with such issues. This will be helpful to establish a bright future for culture tourism. Reference: Ahebwa, W. M., Aporu, J. P., Nyakaana, J. B. (2016). Bridging community livelihoods and cultural conservation through tourism: Case study of Kabaka heritage trail in Uganda.Tourism and Hospitality Research,16(2), 103-115. Boukas, N., Ziakas, V., Boustras, G. (2013). 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