Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Exercise Machine And Weight Loss - 823 Words
As far as did all the people using the machine lose 10 pounds, I particularly don t believe that all did and it s very doubtful that all the participants accomplished this goal. Many individuals lose weight in different methods and at different times by incorporating many varying options. I’m not saying it s not possible to lose an average of 10 pounds on an exercise machine, but from the information given, it s hard to picture the individuals in this study of losing an average of 10 pounds, with having limited information and details. I would need more pertinent information and data. In order for me to believe that all participants using the exercise machine resulted in an average 10-pound weight loss, I would need to see additional information relating to all participants prior weight before the study and the average pounds lost per each participant. Sometimes seeing is believing. In most cases we would need to witness this ourselves and make sure other factors arenâ€⠄¢t tied into the weight loss mechanics. In my opinion, there are a lot of essential elements and information lacking from this study. Therefore, we are not able to make accurate inferences from the information given. However, if we were to attain additional information it would help build an effective picture. With the distorted information here, we cannot build a fair hypothesis. Additionally, we don t necessarily have enough sufficient evidence to build a credible assumption. Hypothesis test isShow MoreRelatedEssay On Best Home Gym Equipment1447 Words  | 6 Pageshome gym equipment for weight loss and have a very good effect on the muscles and internal organs. This Best equipment will improve the circulatory system and general health of the body. Our Fitness mojo team will help you to get the best one for you. 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