Tuesday, May 12, 2020
How We Got The Bible - 1382 Words
How We Got the Bible Ever since I was born I have been attending church. At this young age they teach you everything about the main stories or the main points of the Bible. At my church I learned stories from Noah’s ark to the story of Adam and Eve eating the apple from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. I learned about who was the narrator of the Bible and who created our earth. I never knew who were the people that printed out the pages or chose a specific font for the Bible. I didn’t have the background knowledge of what country or if it were the Romans that actually created the Bible. In this world there has been several theories that the Romans were the ones that wrote it or it was the English that wrote it and printed it out. After reading the book â€Å"How we got the Bible†by Neil R. Lightfoot, it gave me the right knowledge and understanding of who wrote the wonderful collection of books. Understanding how we got the Bible means that we have to kno w how it was written, on what it was written and who wrote it. The art of writing has been used through out the world even before the time of Moses. People have been writing things down since the dawn of time, with all different types of materials. According to the book, the Old Testament was originally written on leather, while the New Testament was inked on papyrus. Although this is what the old and New Testament are written on, there are two major divisions of the New Testament: the uncials and cursives orShow MoreRelatedThe Koran And The Protestant Bible1249 Words  | 5 PagesThe Koran and the Protestant Bible Over the course of this semester, we have talked about the five main religions, each of which containing their own views, backed by their own scriptures and holy books. 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